Cookies Policy

The Hoover website may store information about you using cookies (files which are sent by us to your computer or other access device) which we can access when you visit our site in future. By using our website you agree to our use of cookies as described in this policy.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files which are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website or application. Your web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome) then sends these cookies back to the website or application on each subsequent visit so that they can recognise you and remember things.

The following table outlines the cookies which may be set on your device when using the Hoover website:

Cookie Name Purpose More Information
Google Analytics _utma

These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our website. This data enables us to improve user experience and understand visitor behaviour (e.g. which pages are viewed, how long users spend on our site etc.)

No personal data is obtained.

Google Analytics security and privacy principles
Session Cookie ASP.NET_SessionId

This cookie stores information about the visitor as part of the appointment booking process.

This cookie expires when the visitor closes their browser or clears their cookies.

Session IDs explained
Screen size HS.Screen

This cookie stores information about the visitor's screen size used to optimise the size of images downloaded.

This cookie expires after 5 days.

Cookie notice HooverService.cookienotice

This cookie stores information about whether the visitor has closed the cookie notice popup so that it doesn't keep appearing.

This cookie expires after 1 year.

Bazaarvoice reviews BVBRANDID

Allows internal Bazaarvoice web analytics to be correlated to the same user for interactions within a particular client domain.

This cookie expires after 1 year.

Bazaarvoice cookies explained
Bazaarvoice reviews BVBRANDSID

Allows internal Bazaarvoice web analytics to be correlated to the same user browsing session for interactions within a particular client domain.

This cookie expires when the visitor closes their browser or clears their cookies.

Bazaarvoice cookies explained
Bazaarvoice reviews BVImplmain_site

Used for client-driven A/B tests.

This cookie expires after 2 hours.

Bazaarvoice cookies explained

Third-party cookies

Please note that on some pages of the Hoover website you may notice that cookies have been set that are not related to Hoover. When you visit a page with embedded content, for example, YouTube or Facebook, these service providers may set their own cookies on your web browser. Hoover does not control the use of these cookies and cannot access them due to the way that cookies work, as cookies can only be accessed by the party who originally set them. You should check the third-party websites for more information about these cookies.

How can I disable cookies?

The links below will take you to the Help sections for the major browsers where you can find more information about how to manage your cookies.

Internet Explorer


Google Chrome



Safari iOS



Windows Phone

Managing your analytics cookies

It is possible to opt-out of having your anonymous browsing activity within websites recorded by analytics cookies. We use Google Analytics on our website and you can find information on how to opt-out here: