Cannot enrol my product
Due to the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) legislation. New enrolment onto the wizard app will be blocked from April 29th 2024.
Due to the Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) legislation. New enrolment onto the wizard app will be blocked from April 29th 2024.
This also includes re enrolments as a result of change of router or if the product is removed for any reason. Support will remain for security updates to the app for any existing connected products.
This solution applies to the following models:
- DYM 762T WIFI - 32000956
- DYM 762TX WIFI - 32000957
- HDI 1LO38B-80 - 32900692
- HDI 1LO38S-80 - 32900693
- HDI 1LO63B-80 - 32900694
- HDI 1LO63S-80 - 32900695
- HDI 2T623PWF-80 - 32900696
- HDI 3DO623D-80 - 32900698
- HDIN 2L360PB-80 - 32900769
- HDIN 4S613PS-80 - 32900775
- HDPN 1L390PA-80 - 32001843
- HDPN 1L390PB-80 - 32001844
- HDPN 1L390PW-80E - 32002128
- HDPN 2D360PB-80E - 32002288
- HDPN 2D360PW-80 - 32002079
- HDSN 1L380PB-80 - 32900781
- HF 5E3DFA-80 - 32002189
- HF 5E3DFB-80 - 32002190
- HF 5E3DFW1-80 - 32002203
- HF 6E3DFA-80 - 32002206
- HF 6E3DFW-80 - 32002207
- HLSI 762GTWIFI - 32900494
- HRIN 2L360PB-80 - 32901349
- HRIN 4D620PB-80 - 32901357
- HSF 5E3DFA1-80 - 32002204
- HSF 5E3DFB1-80 - 32002205
- HSF 5E3DFW-80 - 32002180
- HSPN 1L390PB-80E - 32002291
- HSPN 1L390PW-80E - 32002294
Fridge Freezers
- HF18XK WIFI - 34002114
- HESD 4 WIFI - 33801476
- HDG6DCK3BWIFI - 36901726
- HDG9DCK3BWIFI - 36901727
- HDSV985B - 36900764
- HHV67SLX WIFI - 36900657
- HHV97SLX WIFI - 36900572
- HPY6CBK5BGWIFI - 36901792
- HTS6CBK3XWIFI - 36901728
- HTS6CBK5XWIFI - 36901804
- HTS9CBK3XWIFI - 36901725
- HTS9CBK5XWIFI - 36901805
- HTSI9CBK5XWIFI - 36901793
- HO786VX WIFI - 33701681
- HOA03VX WIFI - 33701511
- HOAZ7173IN WF/E - 33702312
- HOAZ7173IN WIFI - 33701751
- HODP0007BI - 33702978
- HODP0507BI - 33702978
- HOE3184IN WIFI - 33702407
- HOZ3150IN WIFI - 33702403
- HOZ7173IN WF/E - 33702172
- HOZ7173IN WIFI - 33701775
- HOZP0447BI - 33702986
- HOZP7976B WIFI - 33702064
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- Vision - 33701860
- VISION/E - 33702376
Tumble Dryers
- ATD C10TKERX-80 - 31101122
- DXO C10TCE-80 - 31101802
- DXO C9TCE-80 - 31101795
- HLX C10DRGR-80 - 31102089
- HLX C8DG-80 - 31102065
- HLX C9TE-80 - 31102103
- HLX H8A2TE-80 - 31102062
Washer Dryers
- H3D41065TACBE-80 - 31010710
- H3D4965DCE/1-80 - 31011249
- H3DS41065TACE-80 - 31010709
- H3DS4855TACBE-80 - 31010704
- H3DS4855TACE-80 - 31010703
- H3DS4965DACE-80 - 31010705
- H3DS4965DACGE-80 - 31010706
- H3DS4965TACBE-80 - 31010708
- H3DS4965TACE-80 - 31010707
- HBDOS 695TAME-80 - 31801050
- HBDOS695TAMCBE80 - 31800927
- HBDOS695TAMCBT80 - 31800939
- HBDOS695TAMCE-80 - 31800928
- HBDOS695TAMCET80 - 31800940
- HBDOS695TAMCRE80 - 31801038
- HBDOS695TMET-80 - 31800941
Washing Machines
- DWFT 410AH3 - 31007871
- DWFT 410AH8B/1 - 31007872
- DWFT 411AH7-80 - 31007928
- DWFT 412AH3/1-80 - 31008077
- DWFT 413AH8B/1 - 31007878
- DWFT 610AH7-80 - 31007926
- DWT L413AIW3 - 31006532
- DWT L49AIW3 - 31006531
- DWT L610AIW3 - 31006518
- DWT L68AIW3 - 31006517
- DWT SS134AIB3 - 31006530
- DWT SS134AIW3 - 31006533
- H3W4105TE/1-80 - 31011247
- H3WS4105DACE-80 - 31010718
- H3WS4105DACGE-80 - 31010719
- H3WS4105TACBE-80 - 31010727
- H3WS4105TACE-80 - 31011035
- H3WS485DACE/1-80 - 31010722
- H3WS485TACBE/-80 - 31010924
- H3WS495DACE/1-80 - 31010720
- H3WS495DACGE/-80 - 31010715
- H3WS495DACGE-80 - 31010715
- H3WS495TACBE/-80 - 31010922
- H3WS495TACE/1-80 - 31010923
- H3WS495TACE-80 - 31010781
- HBWDO 8514TAHC-80 - 31800268
- HBWMO 96TAHC-80 - 31800245
- HBWOS 69TAME-80 - 31801048
- HBWOS69TAMCBE-80 - 31800898
- HBWOS69TAMCBET80 - 31800934
- HBWOS69TAMCET/80 - 31800942
- HBWOS69TAMCRE-80 - 31801039
- HBWOS69TMET-80 - 31800878
- HBWOSTMCE-80 - 31800899
- WDWFT 4138AH-80 - 31007939
- WDWFT 6106AH-80 - 31007940
Check the appliance is in range of your home internet network
If the machine is installed out of the range of your wireless network, the wi fi signal will not be detected by the machine. It may be too far away from your router. You may need to purchase a signal booster to extend the range of your home network. You can purchase a Wi Fi booster form any computer store, on line or an electrical retailer.
If the machine is installed out of the range of your wireless network, the wi fi signal will not be detected by the machine. It may be too far away from your router. You may need to purchase a signal booster to extend the range of your home network. You can purchase a Wi Fi booster form any computer store, on line or an electrical retailer.
How do I know if my wi fi signal is strong enough or if the machine is out of range?
Simply stand in front of the machine and look on your phone or tablet to see if the wi fi indicator shows you have signal? You can down load an app to your device called a 'wi fi analyser' from the play store which will measure your signal strength.

Another easy way of discovering if your appliance is near enough to the router is to start the enrolment process from the start using the app. When you get to the step where you are asked to go back into the wi fi settings and connect to the appliance, before proceeding back to the app take a walk with your mobile device to your router and look closely at the signal strength of you appliance, in our example its a 'candy washing machine'.

When you are standing next to your router you should see all the signal bars showing the signal strength. If they are greyed out or only 1 or 2 bars are showing then the signal strength of your home net work will need boosting in order for your wizard app to enrol and control the product.
This solution applies to the following models:
- DYM 762T WIFI - 32000956
- DYM 762TX WIFI - 32000957
- HDI 2T623PWF-80 - 32900696
- HDIN 2L360PB-80 - 32900769
- HLSI 762GTWIFI - 32900494
- HRIN 4D620PB-80 - 32901357
Fridge Freezers
- HF18XK WIFI - 34002114
- HESD 4 WIFI - 33801476
- HDG6DCK3BWIFI - 36901726
- HDG9DCK3BWIFI - 36901727
- HDSV985B - 36900764
- HHV67SLX WIFI - 36900657
- HHV97SLX WIFI - 36900572
- HPY6CBK5BGWIFI - 36901792
- HTS6CBK3XWIFI - 36901728
- HTS6CBK5XWIFI - 36901804
- HTS9CBK3XWIFI - 36901725
- HTS9CBK5XWIFI - 36901805
- HTSI9CBK5XWIFI - 36901793
- HO786VX WIFI - 33701681
- HOA03VX WIFI - 33701511
- HOAZ7173IN WF/E - 33702312
- HOAZ7173IN WIFI - 33701751
- HODP0007BI - 33702978
- HODP0507BI - 33702978
- HOE3184IN WIFI - 33702407
- HOZ3150IN WIFI - 33702403
- HOZ7173IN WF/E - 33702172
- HOZ7173IN WIFI - 33701775
- HOZP0447BI - 33702986
- HOZP7976B WIFI - 33702064
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- Vision - 33701860
- VISION/E - 33702376
Washing Machines
- DWFT 410AH3 - 31007871
- DWFT 410AH8B/1 - 31007872
- DWFT 411AH7-80 - 31007928
- DWFT 412AH3/1-80 - 31008077
- DWFT 413AH8B/1 - 31007878
- DWFT 610AH7-80 - 31007926
- DWT L413AIW3 - 31006532
- DWT L49AIW3 - 31006531
- DWT L610AIW3 - 31006518
- DWT L68AIW3 - 31006517
- DWT SS134AIB3 - 31006530
- DWT SS134AIW3 - 31006533
- HBWDO 8514TAHC-80 - 31800268
- HBWMO 96TAHC-80 - 31800245
- WDWFT 4138AH-80 - 31007939
- WDWFT 6106AH-80 - 31007940
Watch our helpful video
This video guide is particularly suitable when using a tablet. The app may look different when using a mobile phone - please look at the guides referring to phones if this is the device you are using.
This video guide is particularly suitable when using a tablet. The app may look different when using a mobile phone - please look at the guides referring to phones if this is the device you are using.
This solution applies to the following models:
- DYM 762T WIFI - 32000956
- DYM 762TX WIFI - 32000957
- HDI 2T623PWF-80 - 32900696
- HDIN 2L360PB-80 - 32900769
- HLSI 762GTWIFI - 32900494
- HRIN 4D620PB-80 - 32901357
Fridge Freezers
- HF18XK WIFI - 34002114
Washing Machines
- DWFT 410AH3 - 31007871
- DWFT 410AH8B/1 - 31007872
- DWFT 411AH7-80 - 31007928
- DWFT 412AH3/1-80 - 31008077
- DWFT 413AH8B/1 - 31007878
- DWFT 610AH7-80 - 31007926
- DWT L413AIW3 - 31006532
- DWT L49AIW3 - 31006531
- DWT L610AIW3 - 31006518
- DWT L68AIW3 - 31006517
- DWT SS134AIB3 - 31006530
- DWT SS134AIW3 - 31006533
- HBWDO 8514TAHC-80 - 31800268
- HBWMO 96TAHC-80 - 31800245
- WDWFT 4138AH-80 - 31007939
- WDWFT 6106AH-80 - 31007940
Is the smart net work switch option active?
Should you experience problems enrolling a product try and disable the 'smart network switch' option found in the wi fi connections menu in the device. Go into wi fi settings and un tick the smart network switch option.
Should you experience problems enrolling a product try and disable the 'smart network switch' option found in the wi fi connections menu in the device. Go into wi fi settings and un tick the smart network switch option.
Now go back and re start the enrolment process.

the smart network switch option is un -ticked
This solution applies to the following models:
Fridge Freezers
- HF18XK WIFI - 34002114
- HESD 4 WIFI - 33801476
- HDG6DCK3BWIFI - 36901726
- HDG9DCK3BWIFI - 36901727
- HDSV985B - 36900764
- HHV67SLX WIFI - 36900657
- HHV97SLX WIFI - 36900572
- HPY6CBK5BGWIFI - 36901792
- HTS6CBK3XWIFI - 36901728
- HTS6CBK5XWIFI - 36901804
- HTS9CBK3XWIFI - 36901725
- HTS9CBK5XWIFI - 36901805
- HTSI9CBK5XWIFI - 36901793
- HO786VX WIFI - 33701681
- HOA03VX WIFI - 33701511
- HOAZ7173IN WF/E - 33702312
- HOAZ7173IN WIFI - 33701751
- HODP0007BI - 33702978
- HODP0507BI - 33702978
- HOE3184IN WIFI - 33702407
- HOZ3150IN WIFI - 33702403
- HOZ7173IN WF/E - 33702172
- HOZ7173IN WIFI - 33701775
- HOZP0447BI - 33702986
- HOZP7976B WIFI - 33702064
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- HOZP9177BI - 33702961
- Vision - 33701860
- VISION/E - 33702376
Washing Machines
- DWFT 410AH3 - 31007871
- DWFT 410AH8B/1 - 31007872
- DWFT 411AH7-80 - 31007928
- DWFT 412AH3/1-80 - 31008077
- DWFT 413AH8B/1 - 31007878
- DWFT 610AH7-80 - 31007926
- DWT L413AIW3 - 31006532
- DWT L49AIW3 - 31006531
- DWT L610AIW3 - 31006518
- DWT L68AIW3 - 31006517
- DWT SS134AIB3 - 31006530
- DWT SS134AIW3 - 31006533
- HBWDO 8514TAHC-80 - 31800268
- HBWMO 96TAHC-80 - 31800245
- WDWFT 4138AH-80 - 31007939
- WDWFT 6106AH-80 - 31007940