Line the arrow up with the open padlock
Looking at the lid of the dust container you should see 2 padlock symbols. One is the padlock open and the other it is locked. To open the lid twist so that the filter access arrow points to the open padlock symbol. Now lift the lid off.
Looking at the lid of the dust container you should see 2 padlock symbols. One is the padlock open and the other it is locked. To open the lid twist so that the filter access arrow points to the open padlock symbol. Now lift the lid off.

Always disconnect your appliance from the mains before you start examining it!
This solution applies to the following models:
Vacuum Cleaners
- AL71SZ01001 - 39100442
- AL71SZ02 - 39100443
- AL71SZ02001 - 39100417
- AL71SZ04 - 39100468
- BR2201 - 39100321
- BR2202 - 39100320
- BR2306 - 39100364
- CU81CU11001 - 39001178
- CU81CU15001 - 39001271
- CU81CU20 - 39001179
- DI2200 - 39100314
- HL2102 - 39100265
- HL2107 - 39100298
- HL2208 - 39100315
- HP22+SP48D - 39100302
- HP2300 - 39100300
- HP2305 - 39100343
- HS22+SP48D - 39100309
- HU4177T - 39100155
- HU4185 - 39100196
- HU4187T - 39100164
- HU4197 - 39100180
- HU4200 - 39100226
- HU4201 - 39100223
- HU4202 - 39100198
- HU4203 - 39100215
- HU4204 - 39100225
- HU4205 - 39100188
- HU4206 - 39100224
- HU4207 - 39100177
- HU4207/1 - 39100212
- HU4208 - 39100211
- HU4217/1 - 39100303
- HU4220 - 39100319
- HU71HU02 - 39100397
- HU71HU04001 - 39100431
- HU71HU05001 - 39100453
- JA1600 - 39100283
- JA1603 - 39100347
- JC2145 - 39100118
- JC3146 - 39100137
- JC3154 - 39100148
- JC3157T - 39100157
- KIT JAZZ CY - 39100318
- KIT JAZZ CY2 - 39000975
- KIT JAZZ GR - 39100317
- KIT JAZZ GR2 - 39000976
- KS51_OP2 - 39001566
- LA71SM10 - 39001524
- LA71SM20 - 39001525
- PR60_SL40 - 39001568
- RU70RU15001 - 39001352
- RU70RU16 - 39001402
- RU70RU17 - 39001466
- RU80TP15001 - 39001266
- RU80VE15001 - 39001265
- SM1800 - 39100232
- SM1901 - 39100239
- SP2101 - 39100323
- SP2102 - 39100322
- SP71_BL06001 - 39001409
- SP71BL04001 - 39001358
- SP71BL05001 - 39001359
- SP81BL03 - 39001176
- SP81BL11 - 39001177
- SP81SM02 - 39001236
- SP81SM11 - 39001237
- SP81SP01001 - 39001246
- ST70ST01001 - 39001356
- ST71ST02 - 39001470
- STC18LI - 39001574
- SX70HU01 - 39001180
- SX70HU03001 - 39001353
- SX70HU04 - 39001413
- SX70HU05 - 39001465
- SX70HU11 - 39001181
- SX70HU15001 - 39001267
- TAV1610 - 39000488
- TAV1615 - 39000545
- TAV1620 - 39000490
- TC1182 - 39000342
- TC1183 - 39000473
- TC1184 - 39000424
- TC1185 - 39000527
- TC1188 - 39000756
- TC1191 - 39000463
- TC1192 - 39000386
- TC1201 - 39000581
- TC1202 - 39000613
- TC1203 - 39000612
- TC1206 - 39000381
- TC1208 - 39000472
- TC1209 - 39000484
- TC1210 - 39000623
- TC1211 - 39000653
- TC1212 - 39000652
- TCR4213 - 39000616
- TCR4224 - 39000772
- TCR4230 - 39000985
- TCR4233 - 39000556
- TCR4234 - 39000649
- TCR4237 - 39000771
- TCR4239 - 39000938
- TCR4240 - 39001080
- TCU1410 - 39000956
- TCW1610 - 39000787
- TCW2006 - 39000786
- TH31 VO01 - 39100486
- TH31 VO02 - 39100487
- TH31BO01 - 39100488
- TH31BO02 - 39100489
- TH31HO01 - 39100496
- TH31SM01 - 39100492
- TH31SM02 - 39100493
- TH71 VX01001 - 39100437
- TH71 VX02001 - 39100438
- TH71BL01 - 39100404
- TH71BL01001 - 39100440
- TH71BL02 - 39100410
- TH71BL02001 - 39100441
- TH71BR01 - 39100474
- TH71BR02 - 39100475
- TH71SM01 - 39100399
- TH71SM01001 - 39100434
- TH71SM02 - 39100400
- TH71SM02001 - 39100435
- TH71SM03 - 39100401
- TH71SM03001 - 39100436
- TH71SP04 - 39100446
- TJA1410 - 39000957
- TJA1440 - 39001042
- TJG1100 - 39001094
- TSD2001 - 39001010
- TSM1805 - 39000952
- TSM2005 - 39000951
- TSM2110 - 39000955
- TSP2000+SP48D/1 - 39000903
- TSP2002+S40D - 39000922
- TSP2004 - 39000818
- TSP2005 - 39000808
- TSP2006 - 39000823
- TSP2101 - 39000963
- TSP2210 - 39001083
- TSX2101 - 39000775
- TSX2201 - 39000804
- TSX2215 - 39000805
- TSXD2205 - 39000921
- TSXP2307 - 39001078
- TSXP2308 - 39001079
- TTU1450 - 39001027
- TTU1460 - 39001076
- TTU1510 - 39000826
- TTU1520 - 39000827
- TXP1215 - 39000784
- VR81HL01 - 39100472
- VR81HU01 - 39100462
- VR81HU02 - 39100473
- VR81HU03 - 39100481
- WR71 VX04001 - 39100466
- WR71 VX05001 - 39100482
- WR71 WR03 - 39100480
- WR71WR01 - 39100460
- WR71WR02 - 39100459
- WRE01 001 - 39100514
- WRE02P 001 - 39100515
- XP71EG25001 - 39001269
- XP71ID20 - 39001192
- XP81OP25 - 39001468